Circumcision Aftercare


The ring will not affect how he pees, or how you bathe him. We do not suggest bathing on the first day of the procedure as the penis will be more sensitive. By the second day he can be bathed in the usual manner. We recommend using warm washcloths on the penis instead of diaper wipes while the ring is attached as diaper wipes can be irritating. You may still use diaper wipes on the bum.

It is a personal preference to give pain medications after the procedure.  Some parents like to give medication as a preventative measure, others may prefer to wait and see if he becomes irritable or difficult to settle. Advil is anti-inflammatory and can reduce platelet effectiveness and enhance bleeding. We recommend acetaminophen after the procedure in the following dosage:

  • Infant acetaminophen concentrated drops (Tylenol/Tempra, 80 mg/ml)

    • 6-8 lbs: 0.75 ml (60 mg)

    • 8-10 lbs: 1 ml (80 mg)

    • 10-12 lbs: 1.25 ml (100 mg)

  • May be given post procedure and repeat x 1 dose 4-6 hours after the first dose of Tylenol/Tempra for a maximum of 2 doses

The penis will look dry and odd after the procedure. The ring will make the shaft of the penis appear red and swollen. This is normal. The tip will blanch white, then purplish and eventually dry and black. It may also have an odd smell like the umbilical cord stump before it comes off. This is all NORMAL. Once the ring falls off there may be some yellow exudate under the base of the head of the penis that looks like pus, but it is not pus. This is NORMAL and should go away within a week.

It will take approximately 2 weeks after the ring falls off for complete healing. You may use Vaseline at each diaper change for a few months. Vaseline is a moisture barrier. If there is adipose fat and the penis is ‘sinking’ into the scrotum, Vaseline will help keep it from adhering. 

Call the office at 604-888-2433 during office hours (8:30-4:00) if you have any concerns or if:

You see active, steady bleeding. A steady drip or if you see progressively heavier bleeding.
Your son continues to be irritable after 24 hours
The Plasti-Bell slips down the penile shaft closer to his body
The Plasti-Bell has not fallen off with the dry foreskin & string by 7 days after the procedure

Am after hours emergency phone number will be provided at the appointment.

You may download a PDF version of this page here: Circumcision Aftercare
You will also be given a copy of this PDF at your appointment