BC has introduced at-home self-screening for cervical cancer.
This is an alternative to the traditional Pap test done at your doctor’s office, and can be done in the comfort of your own home.
This is available to individuals between the ages 25-69, who have a cervix (including women and non-binary individuals), and who have not had a Pap test in the last 3 years. It is NOT recommended if you have abnormal symptoms relating to your pelvic organs, are pregnant, use a pessary, or have had your cervix removed (ie. a hysterectomy).
If you wish to continue with Pap tests, you may continue to do so.
For more information, click on the following link:
Same-day urgent appointments, both by phone and in-person, are available daily.
Please call the office as early as 8:30 am to book an urgent appointment, as they are first-come, first-serve. These are reserved for acute medical conditions, and are not appropriate for follow up of chronic issues, medication refills, or longer visits such as ICBC or WorkSafe assessments.
We are not currently accepting any new patients. For assistance finding a new family physician, register with the Health Connect Registry online at or calling 8-1-1.
Childhood Vaccinations
Childhood 2, 4, and 6 month vaccinations are available by appointment with our nurses.
Your child will be booked to see their family physician at the same appointment.
For 12 and 18 month vaccinations, please contact your local Public Health office.

Vaccine Updates
2025 flu vaccines are available - please call to book your appointment with one of our nurses
Our office does NOT administer any COVID vaccines at this time.
Call 1-833-838-2323 or visit to book a vaccination.
Our office carries the Pneumovax vaccine - covered by MSP for patients over 65, and for patients with certain medical conditions under the age of 65. Please contact our office if you think you may be eligible but have not had any doses yet.
Our nurses can administer private-pay vaccines such as shingles (Shingrix), HPV (Gardasil), and pneumonia (Prevnar 20). These require a prescription from your doctor, and you will have to bring the vaccine to our office.