

We expect to receive our influenza vaccine supply in late October and will post a schedule for vaccination times as soon as we have them available.

We are also looking into the process of offering COVID vaccines in our office and whether it will be feasible for us.

We will update this space as we know more.

Immunizations, or vaccinations, are an essential component of preventative health for all ages. They help prevent serious and potentially fatal diseases.

For more information about immunizations including risks and vaccine safety, please click here to visit the ImmunizeBC website.

Click on the links below to see BC’s recommended vaccination schedules for different age groups. You can also find these schedules translated in different languages on the Healthlink BC website.


Keeping an Immunization Record

Immunization records are often scattered between different locations - the family doctor’s office, pharmacy, public health unit. This can pose a challenge, if for example you are required to show proof of immunizations, or if you are trying to recall when your next vaccine is due.

You can maintain your own paper record by printing and tracking using ImmunizeBC’s immunization record cards: for children, adults, and general use.

CANImmunize is a new, free smartphone app that can track immunizations not only for yourself, but for your family members. It also provides more information on each vaccine, and can alert you when vaccines are due. Click this link or on the CANImmunize banner for more information.

Immunizations at Fort Family Practice

We are pleased to offer 2, 4, and 6 month childhood vaccinations in conjunction with the routine check-ups with your doctor.

We routinely carry and offer common, MSP-covered adult immunizations such as influenza (when in season), pneumococcal (Pneumovax), and tetanus. We normally offer a flu shot clinic in the fall. Please contact our office to inquire about the availability of adult vaccinations.

Our nurses can also administer private-pay immunizations such as shingles, HPV, and pneumococcal (Prevnar 20) by appointment. You will need a prescription from the doctor, to pick up (and pay) for the vaccine at your pharmacy, and bring the vaccine to your appointment with the nurse.

We also offer travel consultation and vaccination, which is not an MSP-insured service and therefore must be paid for by the patient. Please see our Uninsured Services page, and contact our office to find out more.